Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Drum Machine

aughaugh (Rob Ray - Augh!) Yes! RT @Dezeen: Drum machine that uses spinning discs and magnets to make noise: http://t.co/5ETqAS7y6x http://t.co/9SsMqTGp64 8:19 AM Apr 7th via Hootsuite http://twitter.com/aughaugh/status/585341017852870656


How Communication Became Synonymous With Surveillance

neoscenes (john hopkins) The Truth About Facebook: How Communication Became Synonymous With Surveillance: http://t.co/Ed4dqiW6iI etc etc, what else is new? 11:23 PM Apr 6th via Twitter Web Client http://twitter.com/neoscenes/status/585206180756250624

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